Hidden in Braunschweig

Sophienstraße 40
38118 Braunschweig


Tief im Verließ unterhalb des Vatikans eingesperrt, wartet ihr seit Tagen in eurer Zelle auf eure Hinrichtung. Im richtigen Moment vereint ihr eure letzten Kräfte um mit den Hexen aus der Nachbarzelle Kontakt aufzunehmen und auszubrechen, als ihr plötzlich ein leises Klopfen in der Wand vernehmt. – Dieser Escape Room richtet sich an erfahrene Spieler

Bucht für den Battlemodus bitte beide Räume.

Freie Termine Vouchers
Hidden in Braunschweig

Sophienstraße 40
38118 Braunschweig

Gangster’s Paradise

For many years, the “Murphy’s” has been a well-known pub in Dublin’s harbour district for a long time. However, for some time now, strange figures have been coming and going. Living in seclusion in the same house, Mourphy, the owner of the pub, has changed. You are a team of private detectives working for the former Inspector Mc’Reily. You have been commissioned in an anonymous letter to solve a crime which is supposedly directly related to the old pub. As soon as you arrive at the scene, you have to realize that not everything is as clear as it seemed to be.

Company Excursions, Group of Friends, bachelor parties, adventurers

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Hidden in Braunschweig

Bruchtorwall 6
38100 Braunschweig

A dark conspiracy

Reveal the secret of the reichsbank

A cold, rainy November day in 1929 comes to an end.
The sun has already set behind the dark rain clouds. Like the rest of the world, Germany is suffering under the great depression. But the Braunschweig Reichsbank still has something to offer. With a lot of effort, your gang of sophisticated burglars were able to break into the well-secured building and gain access to the bank director’s office.

But as you try to break into the vault, one of your gang members turns against you. You’ll be chained and left behind in the room. In search of freedom and gold in the vault, you slowly begin to understand why you’ve been betrayed. Can you free yourself, uncover the betrayal and escape with the gold at the same time?

company excursions, group of friends, children´s birhtdays

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Hidden in Braunschweig

Bruchtorwall 6
38100 Braunschweig

No Escape


It is 11 o’clock in the morning at the regional court Braunschweig. The jugde’s verdict is clear: Life imprisonment for you and your collaborators. Even if the evidence is not entirely clear, the next few years you are unlikely going to have a pleasant stay in the Braunschweig prison – the most escape proof prison on earth.

Aber die nächsten Jahre wollt ihr nicht abwarten. Um aus dem Gefängnis auszubrechen, bestecht ihr mehrere Wärter.

But you do not intend to spend the next few years behind bars. In order to escape, you bribe several guards. At the stroke of midnight, with the chime of the first bell, the guards are to turn off the cameras in your cells. Try to leave the prison behind you on the path of freedom. Your escape begins…

company excursions, groups of friends, children´s birthdays

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Hidden in Braunschweig

Bruchtorwall 6
38100 Braunschweig

On a top-secret mission

Prevent the catastrophe

Saturday, October 27, 1962.

Thee world is at a dangerous point in the Cod War. The Cuban Missile Crisis is in full swing, any wrong move could triggger World War III. As a spy for the USA you succeed in penetrating the secret rocket research station. But what you find there is beyond your wildest imagination. The station is abandoned, the system locked and the countdown to the rocket launch is activated. Everything points to a violent break in by a group of unknown assailants, who have taken control of all the systems.

However, a small group of researchers has managed to leave a message containing a last resort to stop the destruction of the planet. Decode the message and follow the clues, stop the threat to all mankind and then get out before everything blows up… T minus 60 minutes…

company excursions, groups of friends, technology fans

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Hidden in Braunschweig

Bruchtorwall 6
38100 Braunschweig

The secret safe house

Stop the bomber

The notorious bomber, assassin and thief, Dr. Danger, is up to no good in Braunschweig. At breath-taking speed he pulls off one job after the other. Your colleague from the Braunschweig KRIPO has gone undercover into Dr. Danger’s gang of criminals in order to lay an inconspicuous trail to his hiding place and camp. When the time is right you sneak there to gather evidence against the cunning criminal and find out his next target.

But here the search for the hiding place begins again. Use the remaining time and follow the instructions of your colleague. Hopefully he has done a good job and left you some clues, otherwise it will be hard to search the entire warehouse in just 60 minutes. After then Dr. Danger will return with his gang and you will have nothing more to laugh about. The time is ticking…

company excursions, groups of friends, children´s birthdays

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Hidden in Braunschweig

Sophienstraße 40
38118 Braunschweig


Free yourselves from the clutches of the dark forces

The abandoned Morrah Island sits not far from the mainland and you know that there are supernatural powers prevailing on there. Dark clouds are gathering, and in a thunderstorm you dare to make the crossing.

On the island, you’ll come across an abandoned clinic where you’ll hear desperate screams and flashes of light from the barred windows. You enter the clinic together, but the old iron door falls shut behind you, you recognize the presence of a dark force and see the true horror of this dark legend.

Dark creatures are being created here, using people’s body parts and souls. The magic book of shadows is being used to steal the humans’ life force, too. To save your own life and stop the dark force, all you can do is flee forward.

But beware! Who knows which creatures have already been created…

Company exursions, groups of friends, HORROR fans

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Hidden in Braunschweig

Sophienstraße 40
38118 Braunschweig

Der letzte Kreuzzug

Befreit euch aus DEM KERKER DES VATIKAN…

Schon früh begann der Vatikan seine Aufmerksamkeit auf Artefakte und Menschen mit besonderen Kräften zu richten und sie die Ketzerei zu bezichtigen. Jetzt nach vielen Jahren auf der Flucht wurdet ihr von den Priestern gefangen genommen.  Tief im Inneren des Vatikans, mehrere Stockwerke unterhalb des Petersdoms wurdet ihr eingesperrt, der Ketzerei angeklagt und wartet auf euren Prozess.

Während eurer Gefangenschaft versuchten die Priester euch zu bekehren und Beweise für eure übernatürlichen Hexenkräfte zu finden.

In einem unbeobachteten Moment vereint ihr eure bis dahin gut verborgenen Kräfte und wagt einen Ausbruchsversuch aus dem Kerker. Doch die Zellentür scheint nur eine der vielen Prüfungen im unterirdischen Labyrinth des Vatikans auf dem Weg zu alten Mächten, heiligen Reliquien und der Freiheit zu sein. Der Kampf gegen die Unterdrückung der Hexen hat begonnen.

WettkÄMPFER, Freundesgruppen, Mystiker

Freie Termine Vouchers
Hidden in Braunschweig

Sophienstraße 40
38118 Braunschweig

In cooperation with Eintracht Braunschweig

lay a false trail…

Braunschweig 1971: In order to secure you and your team a large sum of money, you have embarked on a dangerous game. The Club of Experts, the most influential association of powerful sports officials, offers you money to influence important sporting events. But the police, however, are on the trail of the officials. And they’ll lead them straight to you. Can you get the police off their trail and destroy all the evidence? Remember, the Club of Experts doesn’t tolerate defeat.

Company excursions, groups of friends, OFFICIALS, bachelor parties

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Hidden in Braunschweig

Sophienstraße 40
38118 Braunschweig

In cooperation with Jägermeister – have to be 18 years of age

Find the secret formula

An old legend says that deep in the woods of Wolfenbüttel there is a secret elixir that that contains the power over natural forces.
Curt Mast, a passionate hunter and the creator of the elixir, kept its whereabouts well protected, even after his death.
An ancient document describes how every 56 years and for only a few hours between sunrise and sunset, a mysterious stag will appear in a clearing in the woods to show you the way to the elixir’s secret hiding place.

You’ve followed the stag deep into the woods and soon the outlines of an old hunting lodge between the trees will appear. Can you find the secret elixir and complete the adventure before this unique opportunity is over?


company excursions, groups of friends, bachelor parties, adventurers

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